Sheffield Meeting
Sheffield. 1st November 2007
The following presentations were made at the Sheffield meeting of UKMPG
Technical Evaluation of the Hologic Selenia digital mammography system with tunsten tube - Jenny Oduko
DQE measured as a function of mean energy for two FFDM systems - Nick Marshall
Sectra MDM-L30 Full Field Digital Mammography System - Peter Barnes
Comparing the Selenia with the Novation - Katrin Bell
Impact of ROI size and heel effect on the measurement of contrast-to-noise ratio for CR mammography systems - Abdul Al Sager
Evaluation of the CNR uniformity for 3 different kinds of detector - Gillian Egan
Digitizers - R. Bouwman
Photometer Calibrations - The Light at the End of the Tunnel? - Denise Delahunty
BSP and IRMER - Anne McCurrach
Round Table: Automated Image Analysis:an update
Round Table: Film Processor QA
Round Table: Dose measurements with the LORAD M-IV
Round Table: MTF Measurement in Digital Mammography
Round Table: Chest wall artefact on a Selenia FFDM unit
Round Table: MTF changes for an a-Se FFDM system