The Eastside Rooms, Birmingham, 21st November 2024. (Meeting Programme)
- Welcome and opening of meeting - Lauren Tedder, University Hospitals Dorset, Poole
Session 1
- A talk relating to an adverse event that involved image quality - Anne McCurrach, NHS National Services Scotland
- Design and testing of a novel phantom for use in contrast enhanced digital mammography (Slides) - Laura Boyd, Velindre University NHS Trust, Cardiff
- Experiences with a unit new to the UK - Siemens B.brilliant (Slides)- Ben Johnson, University Hospital Southampon NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton
- A comparison of MTF test tools and techniques (Slides) - Laurence King, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath
- Analysis of CDMAM vs Hotelling results over time (Slides) - Sarah Fisher, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London
Session 2
- New breast dose model: a local dose audit (Slides) - Chris Baker, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London
- IPEM89 update (Slides) - Chris Baker, on behalf of the working party
- A dose and image quality comparison for mammograms at two different dose settings on the GE Pristina (Slides) - Rebecca Morris, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Middlesex
Session 3
- National survey on image processing (Slides), (Video) - Alistair Mackenzie, NCCPM
- Mammographic image quality in a screening subset (Slides) - John Loveland, NCCPM
Business meeting items
(Last updated 17th December 2024)